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We have information that Venezuelan opposition members in the UK are holding a protest against the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in London tomorrow. A similar protest was held last Tuesday where embassy staff were insulted and threatened. We are making a call out for a counter protest, to uphold the sovereignity of Venezuela, and defend the democracy of the Bolivarian Republic who today inaugurated Nicolas Maduro as President.
Come and show your support, publicise and share this event.
Meet 12 noon at South Kensington tube station to go to the embassy
(1 Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2HW)
We must support the fight for socialism in Venezuela! In these times of class war, as austerity and the economic crisis deepens a victory in Venezuela is a victory for us here in Britain! Viva Venezuela! Maduro Presidente!
Maduro sworn in as President
At Just after 2:00 pm on Friday 19 April, Nicolas Maduro was sworn in as Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in a ceremony held in the Federal Legislative Palace, in Caracas. Maduro confirmed his inaugaration with the following statement:
'I swear, today April 19, by the eternal legacy of the liberators, I swear to God, I swear by the people of Venezuela, I swear in eternal memory of the supreme commander that I will abide by and enforce this Constitution to build a country, happy, independent and socialist for all'.......'The fight that you began, for liberty, to construct our homeland, today continues and is intact'
The British Government finally recognises Maduro’s victory.
Today the Foreign Office issued an official statement recognising the triumph of President Nicolás Maduro in the elections held last Sunday 14 April.
The statement reads as follows:
“On the occasion of the inauguration of Nicolas Maduro as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the UK Government looks forward to working with the Government and people of Venezuela to strengthen our relationship and deepen cooperation in areas of mutual interest.”
The UK Government has thus joined the majority of countries in the world in recognising the democratic will of the Venezuelan people, as demonstrated at the polls last Sunday 14 April.
Press Unit of the Embassy of Venezuela in London
Friday 19 April 2013
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- Written by RATB
Maracaibo, April 18th, 2013 Venezuelanalysis.com – Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) announced Thursday that it would carry out an audit of 100 percent of the votes in last Sunday’s presidential elections.
CNE President Tibisay Lucena made the announcement in a nationwide broadcast this evening, after the Capriles campaign formally submitted a request for a full recount on Wednesday.
A random audit of 54 percent of the votes is routinely conducted immediately after the polls close on election day, and was done without any discrepancies on Sunday evening.
However, opposition leaders have refused to recognize the official results, and demanded a full recount of 100 percent of the votes.
Protests erupted around the country demanding a recount after Capriles refused to recognize the outcome, and resulted in various deaths and dozens wounded. Yet the Capriles campaign did not formally request a recount as stipulated by law until yesterday evening.
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- Written by RATB
FRIDAY 19 APRIL 5pm-7pm
Demonstration of Solidarity "Defending Venezuelan democracy against attempted coup"
Bolivar Hall
56 Grafton Way,
London, W1T 5DL
Called by Hands Off Venezuela-UK
Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/375025672606449/
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- Written by RATB
Statement from MERCOSUR Translated by Michael Hoffman www.venezuelanalysis.com
The National Electoral Council invited a Delegation of MERCOSUR to participate in the International Electoral Accompaniment Program for the 2013 Presidential Elections in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The Delegation was made up of 6 members. The head of the Mission was the General Representative of the MERCOSUR who actively participated in the oversight of the voting areas. The members arrived in Caracas between the 10thand 12th of April and formed part of more than 150 international observers invited by the National Electoral Council. Among the participants were a mission of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and a delegation of the Carter Center.
All guarantees were provided so that Sunday’s elections were a success. The people of Venezuela massively turned out to vote in order to exercise their right to do so with full liberty, considering that in Venezuela voting is not obligatory. The eighteen million, eight hundred and two thousand forty three Venezuelans were called to vote in the presidential elections this 14th of April having full liberty and ease to do so, considering that transportation was free that day.
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- Written by RATB
[Statement from Hands off Venezuela] On Sunday April 14, Bolivarian candidate Nicolas Maduro won the Venezuelan presidential election by a narrow margin. With 99.12% of the votes counted, there was a 78.71% turn out, with Maduro receiving 7,505,378 votes (50.66%), and Capriles 7,270,403 votes (49.07%). Opposition candidate Capriles declared that he does not recognise the result and demanded an audit of 100% of the vote.
On Monday April 15 Capriles made a speech, which was broadcast live by all private TV stations as well as CNN Spanish. In it he refused to recognise the election results and called for mobilisations to demand a full manual recount of the vote. These included a national pots and pans banging protest on Monday at 8 pm, marches on the regional offices of the National Electoral Council (CNE) on Tuesday 16, as well as a march on the CNE in Caracas on Wednesday 17.
At the same time both the Organisation of American States president Insulza and the United States declared that they were also in favour of a full recount. The Spanish government added its voice to the chorus and said they did not recognise the results of the elections.
This was followed by riots in the streets, road blockades and burning barricades organised by opposition supporters. Prominent opposition leaders spread rumours that ballot boxes and ballot papers were being burnt to prevent a recount, using pictures of the destruction of electoral material from previous election contests (these were taken from the CNE website as can be seen here).
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- Written by RATB
16 April 2013 www.venezuelanalysis.com
This afternoon president Maduro said the opposition’s call for a general strike today had “failed”. He also blamed the losing candidate in Sunday’s elections, Henrique Capriles, for the seven deaths last night.
Maduro said last night’s violence was part of a plan “to take Venezuela off the road of democracy”, and called on the people to be peaceful and not “fall for provocations”.
He also declared “the coup d’état defeated”, and inaugurated a health centre in Miranda state. However he said it seemed the “destabilisations will continue”. Though there has been no direct attempt to overthrow the government, some government authorities have referred to the opposition’s refusal to recognise the election results as a “coup” or part of an attempt to bring about a coup.
President of the National Electoral Council (CNE) Tibisay Lucena said yesterday that the electoral system functioned “perfectly” on Sunday. She urged Henrique Capriles, who has not recognised the results, to use legal methods to present his complaints. 54% of the votes were audited on Sunday in the presence of booth witnesses from both political parties, and no problems were found, but opposition protestors are demanding that 100% of the votes be recounted.
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Nicolas Maduro, candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, has won the 14 April snap presidential election with 50.66 percent of the vote against 49.07 percent for his neoliberal challenger Henrique Capriles Radonski. With the turn out at nearly 79 percent of the electorate, the results were announced with 99.12 percent of the votes totalled and were considered an irreversible trend.
Carrying out the premeditated plan exposed by the Bolivarian government, Capriles and the opposition have refused to recognise the result declaring to Nicolas Maduro, ‘The one who has been defeated is you and everything you represent’. The national electoral body, the CNE, will now conduct a citizens’ audit of 100 percent of the ballot boxes, with the backing of both candidates. Maduro stated: ‘Let’s do it! No problem. Perhaps they will find that my victory will be larger’.
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- Written by RATB
With the presidential election set to take place tomorrow, Sunday 14 April, plans to destabilize the country have been exposed by the government. On 10 April, Diosdado Cabello released evidence of phone calls, emails and other documents suggesting the opposition are preparing to refuse to recognize the election results. The evidence includes links to the US with an email allegedly sent from Amando Briquet, of Capriles’ campaign team, to Guillermo Salas, member of the organisation Esdata which reports on Venezuela’s electoral process, stating “...we need everything set out in Washington for checking over by the [Capriles campaign]. It's necessary that all documentation is presented internationally if we decide to take the road of not recognizing the results."
See www.venezuelanalysis.com Venezuelan Government Releases “Evidence” that Opposition is Planning to not Recognise Election Results
Public prosecutor Luisa Ortega also verified that seventeen people have been detained in Sucre, Monagas, and Aragua states for sabotaging the electrical system.
In Merida on 10 April, after a Capriles rally, opposition supporters committed various acts of violence in the city, attacking the offices of the government youth, INJUVEM, of public radio YVKE Mundial, the state government building and more.
On 12 April, Vice President Jorge Arreaza announced that security forces had foiled a plot to destabilize Venezuela. This had involved groups of Salvadorian and Colombian mercenaries who had been found in possession of Venezuelan military uniforms, with stocks of explosives and other weapons. The state run oil industry have been identified as targets and on 12 April, an employee of Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) died in a Caracas hospital from gunshot wound following a violent attack on a pro-Maduro celebration at PDVSA's La Campina offices.
See www.venezuelanalysis.com Venezuelan Government Foils Destabilisation Plans for more information
With Capriles’ chances of winning the election slim, it remains to be seen whether sections of the opposition will accept tomorrow’s results.