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Viva Venezuela in GlasgowMonday 21 October 2013

The masses of Venezuela are fighting to free themselves from the crisis of capitalism and the stranglehold of US imperialism. Millions stand united, formerly under the leadership of the late Hugo Chavez and now Nicolas Maduro, to assert their social, economic and national rights to the ‘good life’ (Buen Vivir). Socialism or death is their call!

On Saturday 19 October, a Glasgow audience gathered for the launch of a new documentary from the Revolutionary Communist Group: ‘Viva Venezuela! Fighting For Socialism!’ After listening to a talk on the background history and present struggles faced by the Bolivarian revolution the film was shown.

From the jubilant city streets of Caracas after the 2012 re-election of Chavez to the hospitals, factories, socialist constructed communities and universities, we were taken on a tour through a society in revolution. Featuring interviews with Venezuelans driving the process forward at the grass roots and members of the Revolutionary Communist Group who travelled to Venezuela, and made the film on their return, it was both an educational and inspirational watch.

In the after film discussion audience members spoke about what can be learned from the people in Venezuela for our own struggle in Britain against capitalist austerity and imperialist war. The meeting closed with one of the participants in the film replying ‘the Venezuelans are showing us that there is a reason to keep fighting here in Britain; that socialism can and must be built!’

In Dundee, local FRFI supporters hosted their own screening of the film. Prior to the event the comrades had been out in the city centre with placards and petitions against the Bedroom Tax and Atos and leaflets for the film. The first person to come up to the stall showed us his Tesco Food Voucher card, he was working but had received no benefits for days. This is how he was surviving. As we said at the meeting, there is the argument for the socialism that the Venezuelan people are struggling to build. Watching the documentary this point was properly made again and again as our comrades spoke of how issues that detrimentally affect the working class here: less social housing, less access to quality healthcare and education, less food, are being tackled head on in Venezuela.

The audience of 20 agreed that we needed to study the origins of the Bolivarian Movement in that country and the serious- and continuing- efforts of the local ruling class and imperialism to overturn progress. It is planned that we re- assemble for a showing and discussion on the ‘Revolution will not be Televised’ documentary of 2002.

Venceremos! We will win!

Interested in buying a copy of ‘Viva Venezuela! Fighting For Socialism!’or showing the film at your own event?

Contact the following details

07734348065 or

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For news updates and more information on the Bolivarian revolution visit our ‘Viva Venezuela!’ Blogspot: