On 12 October activists from RATB, Papua Militant, Mafapo, Indignados, Fight Racism Fight Imperialism and more attended an event in London organised by P12O. The event was an expression of solidarity with all people of Latin America in the struggle against imperialism. The demonstration was named "Resistance Day" in order to combat myths surrounding "Columbus Day" and to celebrate the efforts of liberatory and anti-imperialist struggles in Latin America and all around the world.
Below is a video of our supporter's speech from the event, accompanied by a poem sent to us from Bartolina Sisa Resistance, a Bolivian solidarity organisation based in London:
Por: Miriam Amancay COLQUE*
Siglos atras, con la cruz y la espada invasores espanoles llegaron a nuestro majestuoso Abya Yala, a sembrar odio, racismo, muerte y desolacion.
Robaron nuestras riquezas, sojuzgaron a los pueblos originarios, mutilaron y asesinaron sin piedad a millones de nuestras ancestras y ancestros.
Quisieron destruir nuestras culturas milenarias quisieron desaparecer nuestros idiomas, nuestras costumbres, nuestra musica, nuestras danzas. Esa fue la avaricia y ambicion del imperio colonial espanol opresor.
Y RESISTIMOS! Por siglos RESISTIMOS! Y aqui estamos, firmes, de pie las hijas, los hijos, nietas y nietos del Abya Yala, sembrando semillas para un futuro mejor.
Europa cimento sus ciudades con nuestras riquezas, con nuestro oro, plata, estano. Y cuando llegan migrantes y refugiados, deberian ser tratados como seres humanos.
La historia tiene una deuda enorme con nuestros pueblos originarios. Y un dia, esta historia tendra que reconocer el mas grande genocidio cometido en nuestro Abya Yala!
En nombre de nuestras ancestras y ancestros mantengamos viva la memoria historica de nuestros pueblos originarios! JALLALLA el ABYA YALA! |
By: Miriam Amancay COLQUE
Centuries ago, with the cross and the sword spanish invaders arrived in our majestic Abya Yala, to sow hatred, racism, death and desolation.
They stole our richness, they subjugated the native peoples, and maimed and murdered pitilessly millions of our forebears.
They wanted to destroy our millennial cultures, they wanted to wipe out our languages, our traditions, our music and dance. That was the greed and ambition Of the colonial Spanish oppressor.
AND WE RESISTED! For centuries WE RESISTED! and here we stand, strong and on our feet, the daughters, sons and grandchildren of the Abya Yala, sowing the seeds of a better future.
Europe built its cities with our wealth, with our gold, our silver, tin. and when migrants and refugees arrive to these shores they must be treated as human beings.
History holds a huge debt for our native peoples, and one day this very history must recognise the most brutal genocide committed against our Abya Yala.
In the name of all our ancestors let’s keep alive the historical memory of our native peoples! JALLALLA ABYA YALA! |