Published on 19 August 2015 by Granma

Cuba recycling

Finding value in waste, recycling, contributing to import substitution, are some of the motivations of those working at the Artemisa Company for the Recovery of Raw Materials.

With the aim of selling recyclable waste, destined for the domestic industry and exports, the mission for the entity this year is to recover over 13,600 tons of raw materials. In the first half of the year, targets have been surpassed, with sales up 20% over plans.

“We process 16 products, which we divide between ferrous, non-ferrous and metal recyclable scraps; scrap steel and cast iron are the leaders,” Andrés Ayllón, deputy manager, highlights.

Rum and beer bottles, paper, cardboard, aluminum, copper, sacks, medicine bottles, lead batteries, scrap steeland cast iron, are the recyclables destined for the domestic industry, among others.

Meanwhile, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, bronze and electronic scraps are destined for export, marketed by the Equipment Dismantling Company.

“We search out the added value - mainly bronze, paper and cardboard, plastic, and copper, according to classification, among other things, that is, we buy, process, classify and, in certain cases, we press,” comments Ayllón.


Published on 8 August 2015 by Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

The first Cuban medical brigade to Haiti arrived on Dec. 4, 1998, bringing relief in the aftermath of hurricane Georges. Since then cooperation has been uninterrupted and has had a decisive effect in this impoverished country, which in 2010 suffered an earthquake that killed 316,000 people, according to government figures, along with an ongoing cholera epidemic that has also claimed thousands of lives.

It’s Saturday, and the entrance hall of a police station in front of the busy market in Salomon in the Haitian capital has become an improvised health post. In a few minutes there is a long queue of people waiting to be seen by the Cuban medical brigade.

The police officer on duty said he was not authorized to speak to journalists, but the extent of police cooperation is obvious. The police stations’ tables and chairs are quickly lined up along the entrance hall to facilitate the work of La Renaissance hospital workers, who carry out preventive health work here once a week.

“We are a mobile clinic,” said Damarys Ávila, the head of La Renaissance hospital, which is staffed by the Cuban medical mission. “We check for high blood pressure, cataracts, pterygium (a benign tumour of the conjunctiva) and glaucoma,” she told IPS. “We send people with these conditions to the hospital.”

Women are the majority of those waiting in line. “Women have the highest rate of high blood pressure because they bear the greatest burden of labour. Then there are dietary factors, like eating too much hot, spicy food, refined flour and salt,” she said.

“Many people have their blood pressure taken here for the first time in their lives,” Ávila said.

On a tour of this unusual health post, where in a single morning 167 poor women and men receive attention, expressions of gratitude abound.


Published on 10 August 2015 by Granma

Participants at the 6th Assembly of Caribbean Peoples, which took place in Main Camp in Curacao, approved a statement in which they demand that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, put an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade of Cuba.

 Representatives of trade union, political, feminist, environmental, campesino and youth organizations from 12 countries of the area also called on Obama to return the territory illegally occupied in Guantánamo to the Cuban people.

The Assembly recognized the material and human resources provided by the governments of Cuba and Venezuela to promote the wellbeing and socio-economic development of Caribbean countries, a project that began ten years ago thanks to the solidarity of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez.

Those attending also reiterated their support for Venezuela given attempts at internal destabilization and rejected the continued presence of colonial and neo-colonialism in the region, as well as imperialist oppression and intervention. They expressed support for the independence of Puerto Rico and the freedom of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.

Participants stated their support for regional organizations such as ALBA-TCP, CARICOM and CELAC and committed themselves to continue to work towards further integration and peace across the continent.

Published on 26 July 2015 by Granma

26 July in Santiago

'Santiago has shown that, without losing its hospitality, it remains rebellious and heroic'

As the July 26 commemoration in Santiago concluded, after the central remarks made by José Ramón Machado Ventura, President Raúl Castro Ruz shared a few words. Machado Ventura recalled that the July 26 commemoration is held not only to honor the past, but to reaffirm that the heroic 1953 actions were not in vain, that the seeds sown have borne fruit.

“I could not pass through here without saying something to you. Three or four words. I am leaving confident and hopeful that Santiago will always continue to be Santiago,” said Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, as the commemoration of the assaults on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Garrisons in Santiago concluded.

The event’s central remarks were presented by José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Party Central Committee, who recalled that on another July 26, our first thoughts are directed toward the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, whose life and work are closely tied to the heroic city of Santiago, which is celebrating its glorious 500 year history.

Machado Ventura recalled that the city has been the scene of many significant events which call for celebration, as well as reflection.

He evoked the memory of the original inhabitants of the island who confronted Spanish conquerors, and that of Africans who led slave rebellions at nearby copper mines. It is no accident, he recalled, that the province is also known by the name Guamá and that a monument to the rebel slave was erected in Cobre.

He added that the city is full of stories of the independence and revolutionary armies’ actions, and is considered the cradle of the Revolution, where the remains of Mariana Grajales, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, José Martí, Frank País rest, with those of many others who gave their lives to win independence, defend the country’s sovereignty, and contribute to the liberation of sister peoples around the world.

Published on 20 July 2015 by Granma

Cuban embassy in Washington

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla spoke at the ceremony to re-open the Cuban Embassy in the United States in Washington, today July 20, saying, “We’ve been able to make it to this date thanks to the firm and wise leadership of Fidel Castro Ruz, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution,” and the “will, unity, sacrifice, selflessness, heroic resistance and work of our people.”

Statement by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the ceremony to re-open the Cuban Embassy in the United States. Washington, July 20, 2015

Published on 20 July 2015 by Granma

Cuban embassy in Washington

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla spoke at the ceremony to re-open the Cuban Embassy in the United States in Washington, today July 20, saying, “We’ve been able to make it to this date thanks to the firm and wise leadership of Fidel Castro Ruz, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution,” and the “will, unity, sacrifice, selflessness, heroic resistance and work of our people.”

Statement by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the ceremony to re-open the Cuban Embassy in the United States. Washington, July 20, 2015


By  Philippe Pouletty Become - Founder and Chairman, Abivax and  Hartmut Ehrlich Become - Chief Executive Officer, ABIVAX

How we did business with the Castros and are developing new therapies for Hepatitis, Dengue, HIV & Ebola

Paris, France -- Breaking new ground is standard for scientists. Breaking a five-decade U.S. embargo against Cuba is certainly new ground for U.S. foreign policy. As the United States begins to look towards economic developments on this island 90 miles south of Miami, it's Europeans like ourselves, who have been at the forefront in one area of economic development in particular: Science and biotechnology. We have done so by development of strong human relationships and innovative therapies, and with the foresight of Fidel Castro's vision of healthcare development.

42vaccine graph

The NHS choices website is claiming that England is now the 'first country in the world to offer a national and publically funded Men B vaccination programme' This is a bareface lie. 25 years ago, Cuba introduced a vaccine appropriate for the local strain of the Meningitis B. The vaccine VA-MENGOC-BC administered in Cuba since 1989 has been shown to be a safe and effective vaccine for controlling epidemic outbreaks provoked by Neisseria meningitidis of serogroups B and C. This is corroborated by the more than 55 million doses administered and the licensing of the vaccine in 15 countries. The Meningitis B vaccine has since been part of a national vaccine programme for children. 

Cuba's national immunization programme, including Meningitis B, has been documented by independent sources including the NGO Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba:
This has been pointed out to Kathryn Bingham, the editor of the NHS Choices website, however she is refusing to correct the article.

Complain about this scandalous fraudulent claim using the template letter below:

Dear  Kathryn Bingham- editor of NHS choices website

article claims that England is the first country in the world to offer a national and publicly funded Meningitis B vaccination programme. This is incorrect as 25 years ago, Cuba introduced a vaccine appropriate for the local strain of the Meningitis B. The vaccine VA-MENGOC-BC administered in Cuba since 1989 has been shown to be a safe and effective vaccine for controlling epidemic outbreaks provoked by Neisseria meningitidis of serogroups B and C. This is corroborated by the more than 55 million doses administered and the licensing of the vaccine in 15 countries. The Meningitis B vaccine has since been part of a national vaccine programme for children. Your article  is erroneous and needs to be edited immediately. Cuba will always remain the first country to introduce a Meningitis B vaccine, part of the publicly-funded national programme.
Cuba's national immunization programme, including Meningitis B, has been documented by independent sources including the NGO Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba:
We welcome seeing the corrected article. 
Send to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 020 7003 3071
Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any responses you recieve. 

CTC ulises

News From Cuba : “We’re Not a Bit Afraid,” Declares Ulises, General Secretary of the Workers’ Central Union

Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, aged 50, started working in 1987 as a building engineer: a union activist, he became secretary of the Building branch, was then elected general secretary at the Union’s 20th congress in 2014. Parallel to this, he joined the Communist party’s Central Committee in 2011. Now First secretary of the Communist party in Artemisa, he is a member of the National assembly and of the State Council.

The following interview was published by l’Humanité Dimanche on June 11.

HD: Change is the motto in Cuba now. What’s the method? And what’s the ambition?

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: When we passed the law on foreign investment last year, some of our friends were really concerned: are you going to liberalize the labour market? And sell off industrial sectors to foreign capital? Our objective is to update our socialist society, to ensure its prosperous and sustainable development. We remain in full control of our social project (health, education), of our defense (with the people’s army) and we alone define our needs.

For our economy is a planned economy: we alone set our priorities and encourage foreign investment within that cadre. No one can come and set up a chewing-gum factory. We have no need of this. Property does not change hands, as nothing is for sale in Cuba. The collective ownership of the main means of production holds good. State companies remain the foundation of our economy. But we encourage complementary forms of management: small private entrepreneurship (cuentapropistas) and shared-ownership companies with foreign investment. The diversification of the economy takes place in management.

HD: How does this private sector evolve?

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: Since 2010 the number of workers employed in that sector has grown from 156,000 to 498,617, and the branches are more varied: bed and breakfast, table d’hôte, care, cold drinks and refreshment stalls, repairs of all kinds, watch-making, transport, retrieval and recycling. For one year we have been testing out the co-operative mode – which already existed in agriculture. We now have 452 co-operatives in trade, transport, gastronomy, accountancy… so that the State can focus on the key sectors. This contributes to solving the problem of overstaffing in the state sector, which is detrimental to its efficiency. Our problem in Cuba is not joblessness.

In his speech on the state of the Nation, President Obama declared that the first measures following the end of the blockade would concern the private sector: the aim here, clearly, is to destabilize our economy. The CTC is quite aware of its responsibility. In the global context, the private sector is home to the informal economy – workers have no legal protection, no right. In Cuba, the labour code and social security law - reformed and voted last year – were debated, altered, amended, and put to the vote in all firms. Their dispositions and guarantees protect all workers indiscriminately.

Our CTC organizes these independent workers in several branches (building, gastronomy etc.) so that 63.3% of them are already union members.

In the May 1st march, cuentapropistas were present with their slogans, their banners, their mottoes. We have already turned some of their claims into legal rights : the wage tax is not levied on small companies with a staff of fewer than 6, street vendors are now allowed to display their stands and chairs, tables d’hôte can take more guests. Their main claim is for the creation of a wholesale market. We have not solved this problem yet, but they can get electrical appliances for catering on the retail market, large cans of oil, detergents etc. In order to diversify the offer for tourists, the ministry is going to propose contracts with table d’hôte owners in order to improve their guests’ comfort (air-conditioning, new mattresses and bedclothes…)

HD: Which sectors are open to foreign investment?

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: Mixed-ownership companies were first set up in the hotel industry. Today we need foreign investments to finance 240 specific projects: in the biotechnologies, in the oil industry, pharmaceutical industry, and product manufacturing industries. A number of such companies are to be found in the special area of the Mariel hub. For the time being they employ 40,000 workers. Foreign investments are exempted from the tax on profits for 8 years. Recruitment is through a state office, empleadora, that is the workers’ employer. When their contracts come to an end, they are entitled to retrieve their previous jobs. “There will be no maquiladoras in Cuba.” [1]. So Cuba invites foreign investment in specific, high tech sectors for the highly qualified workers that our Cuban revolution prides itself on educating. They are employable by these companies but it is the State – as their employer – that negotiates their labour contracts and salaries.

HD: Any changes for the State companies?

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: 95% of all state employees are union members and all the changes have been discussed in each and every service or company. They are to become more productive and enjoy greater autonomy. A state company is now allowed to give workers 50% of its profits. We have introduced performance bonuses, to each according to his work. Salaries are lowest in the state sector. They have been raised for health workers. But a general wage increase is impossible without a rise in productivity. We cannot distribute wealth that we do not produce. So we proceed carefully : 800,000 workers still get incitement bonuses but we must move out of the equalitarian, paternalistic approach that has prevailed so far.

HD: Your motto is: “unhurriedly, but ceaselessly”

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: In the 2000’s we re-organized the sugar industry. A time bomb, some abroad called it. It took us two years: the change was discussed within each company with Fidel and ministers. Output / Power units were closed down, 40,000 workers reassigned. The industry benefited from a gain in productivity and in many units wages were raised. Nobody found himself or herself without a job. That is how we proceed, without leaving anyone by the wayside.

HD: What changes for the CTC?

ULISES GUILARTE DE NACIMIENTO: Change and experiments put a strain on the union. With 3,289,000 members, we are a mass organization, have struck deep roots in workplaces, represented in each organ of the State and we take on every challenge. One being to maintain the unity of workers in the face of the new private sector. In State companies, de-centralization and autonomy force trade-unionists to determine their own standards in the managing and productive processes.. They cannot merely relay or give added strength to an administrative discourse. Workers must feel that they are in control of and responsible for any decision that is made at any level or in any department.
At our 20th congress in 2014, all our junior and senior officers were renewed, especially in company branches : 41.5% of their delegates and officers are new, 56,9% of them are women, 17% are under 30.

So we are moving on. Worker participation does not consist merely in attendance at a purely formal meeting but taking part in a real discussion: about wages, training, conditions at work. Discussions on the plan and budget have taken place in 72,000 meetings. With the help of the National association of economists. We use no shock therapy. Changes cannot be decreed, they are first debated by all the workers, by the whole population. We are proud of being part and parcel of this people, of its capacity for resistance, of its creativity. We are aware of the issues at stake and we are confident. We, Cubans, are not a bit afraid!

The CTC was set up in 1939. It has 3,289,000 members, 2,192,749 in the State sector, 219,671 in the private and cooperative sector. It federates 17 national unions and their 82,1000 company, communal, or provincial sections, 1,418 of which in the private sector.

[1] Editor’s note: Maquiladoras are US subsidiaries near the Mexican border.

Published on 19 June 2015 by L'humanite