[RCG 07.10.12] On Saturday 6 October 2012, the day before the crucial presidential elections in Venezuela, members of the Revolutionary Communist Group took to the streets in Kilburn, North West London, in support of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, where people are rising up to defend the gains they have won over the last ten years. The event also celebrated the revolutionary legacy of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, on the 45th anniversary of his death in combat.

As the march took over the street we chanted 'Housing for the Counihans, Housing for all! No cuts in Brent, no cuts at all!'. At one point there was a moving speech by a friend of Nigel Firminger, also from Kilburn, who took his own life after having his benefits removed, being evicted and faced with unpayable debts. The protesters observed a minute's silence outside the house where Nigel lived.
Victory to the Counihan Campaign! Housing for all!
Viva Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution!
Viva Cuba! Viva socialism!