Hands off Venezuela! No right-wing coup! No imperialist intervention!

Hands off Venezuela! No right wing coup! No imperialist intervention!

The Revolutionary Communist Group, FRFI and Rock around the Blockade stand against the attempts by the US imperialist-backed opposition in Venezuela to overturn the result of the 28 July election. Imperialist media and right wing opposition forces announced well in advance that they would not accept any outcome except the installation of a pro-imperialist candidate as president. They are provoking violent protests and street blockades in a replay of previous violent coup attempts in 2019, 2017, 2014 and earlier.

The people of Venezuela have the right to determine the future of their country in defiance of US imperialism. The US has relentlessly interfered in Venezuela's democracy and sovereignty, with terrorist violence, disinformation, destabilisation and lethal sanctions - all designed to restore imperialist control over Venezuela's natural resources.

The Bolivarian Revolution initiated under former president Hugo Chávez and continued under the democratically elected United Socialist Party government of President Maduro has transformed the lives of Venezuela's working class. This is why they defend Maduro and the PSUV government. We call for an end to imperialist sanctions on Venezuela, including the return of £1.2bn worth of Venezuela's sovereign gold reserves stolen by the Bank Of England. We call for the British media to cease spreading disinformation on behalf of the coup plotters. We call for solidarity with the Venezuelan masses against this attempt to overturn their democratic will!