film title

We live in a world dominated by crisis, imperialist war and exploitation. We are told there is 'no alternative' to cuts, privatisation, hunger and homelessness. In October 2012 Venezuela faced a choice: whether to deepen the Bolivian Revolution that under the leadership of Hugo Chavez, has brought dignity, health, education and hope- or to return to a brutal, unequal neo-liberal society where oil wealth lined the pockets of multinational companies and Venezuelan elite.

The people of Venezuela voted for Chavez, voted to fight for socialism. The Revolutionary Communist Group was on the streets of Caracas throughout the presidential elections. We joined hundreds of thousands as they thronged the city, braving torrential rain or baking sun, to express their support.

The Bolivarian Revolution illustrates what can be achieved when governments and people, working together, put human need before capitalist profits. Despite Chavez's death in March 2013, the process is being built every day by millions of Venezuelans, working to create a society built on collective, socialist organisation and production. In that conscious struggle the spirit of Hugo Chavez lives on.

As the capitalist crisis bites in Britain, Venezuela provides an inspiring example of how the fight against austerity can develop into a fight for socialism. This film takes you on that journey, through the barrios, universities and workplaces to meet the militants, students and workers who are changing their future.

Alongside the achievements of socialist Cuba, Venezuela illustrates that not only is another world possible, but this world is being built today in Latin America

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Saturday 12 October. Part of an FRFI Dayschool 'Paying to be poor' 10.30-4pm

Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street M21NL

Facebook: Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Manchester 07519 427 093


Saturday 19 October, 2 – 4pm

Upstairs at The Piper on the Square bar,

57 Cochrane Street, George Square, G1 1HL 07734 348 065


Sunday 20 October 3-5pm

Room G2 Dundee University Tower

Nethergate DD14HN


Friday 25 Oct 2013 7:00pm

Bolivar Hall 54 Grafton Way W1T 5DL

Facebook: Venezuela Rising

East London:
North London
South London:


Tuesday 29 October 6.30pm

Barloco 22 Leazes Park Rd NE1 4PG or 07858 346 276


If you would like to organise a screening of the documentary in your area contact or phone 0207 837 1688

Documentary will be available free online at from 1 November 2013

DVD also available to buy. £3 plus P+P

Send cheques payable to Larkin Publications to FRFI, BCM Box 5909, London WC1N 3XX together with your postal address.

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