Message from the National Committee to Free the Five

One of the most significant presentations made at the International Commission of Inquiry in London in the case of the Cuban Five was by Angela Wright of Amnesty International. A.I. has now released its full report, which you can read by clicking here.
A.I.'s thorough investigation reviews the legal history of the case, noting for example that the 3-judge Appeals Court panel, which ordered a new trial for the Five (later reversed by the full Court), decreed that the evidence submitted in support of the motion for a change of venue was "massive".
A.I. puts the spotlight on the fact that Miami reporters who reported on the Cuban Five prosecution in a highly biased and inflammatory manner were on the U.S. government payroll, an outrageous situation entirely unknown during trial.
"The new evidence that has emerged since the trial -- of journalists being paid to plant prejudicial stories against the accused during the trial -- also raises concern about equality of arms in that the government, unknown to the defendants, were stacking the case in the media -- and also as we have seen very possibly in the courtroom itself -- in the prosecution's favour."
Amnesty International
The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five has collectively dedicated thousands of hours in research and Freedom of Information Act petitions to expose the secret payments by the U.S. government to dozens of Miami reporters, AND to research and process the hundreds of articles and broadcast coverage that poisoned the atmosphere in Miami. Our work on the issue of the U.S.-paid journalists has contributed greatly to the evidence presented by the Cuban Five defense team in Gerardo's, Ramón's and Antonio's Habeas Corpus appeals.The evidence shows that a fair trial in Miami was impossible.
NOW! A new 559-page Investigative Report produced by the National Committee is available
here; a version in Spanish is
also available.
We appeal to you at this time to make a donation to our ongoing efforts, both in the critical research still to be done, and in our popular organizing campaigns. We are an all-volunteer committee, but our ability to continue our investigative work, its distribution to political, legal and popular entities, as well as our mobilizing campaigns for the Cuban Five, depends on donations as well.
Please, if you are able to make a donation of any amount, do so today by clicking the "Donate" link below. Thank you for your support!
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. * web: * Tel: 415-821-6545