Let Cuba Speak!

On Sunday, July 7, the international #1c4Cuba campaign has called a webinar to show solidarity with the news outlets Cubainformacion and Euskadi Cuba, who have been persecuted for reporting the truth about the blockade of Cuba. Cuba Informacion and the Euskadi-Cuba Association are under attack for reporting on counter-revolutionary groups slandering Cuba’s medical solidarity brigades.

Join us for an important display of solidarity with these outlets and to hear from the following guests:

  • Jose Manzaneda – editor of Cubainformacion
  • Milagros Acea – Basque based Cuba organisation ‘Desembarco del Granma’
  • A speaker from Euskadi Cuba, which until 2020 hosted Cubainformacion

To register and join the webinar, click here.

Sunday July 7, 10:30am (Vancouver/Pacific) / 1:30 pm (Havana/Eastern) / 6:30 pm (London)